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What to Expect and How to Manage Morning Sickness

What to Expect and How to Manage Morning Sickness

Pregnancy can come with its fair share of discomforts, and one of the most unpleasant is morning sickness. If you're experiencing this symptom, it's important to understand its underlying causes and explore effective treatments for nausea.

Pregnancy is without a doubt one of the most incredible experiences a woman can have. It almost seems odd to feel another human being growing within you, and it forges a very intimate link between Mama and Baby.

There are certain aspects of pregnancy that are really uncomfortable, but even the most wonderful things in life aren't flawless. We females have to learn to embrace the bad along with all the wonderful, from incessant popping noises coming from your joints that have never popped before (and even from joints we never knew we had!) to nausea and vomiting. Of course, the pain will be worth it in the end, but it's still helpful to be prepared.

You should also know that you will probably feel morning sickness to some extent, regardless of whether you have already had a few children or are about to give birth to your first little miracle. More than 50 percent of all expectant mothers do. You could be one of the fortunate mothers who has very little morning sickness during pregnancy, or you might have daily episodes of feeling like you're throwing up all your food. 

Even though every woman is unique, it's a good idea to find out what constitutes "normal" morning sickness symptoms. Here are the need to knows, tips on how to minimize your nausea, and when to see a doctor about your symptoms.


Why Do People Get Morning Sick?

The majority of pregnant women cannot escape experiencing some minor nausea. Even while more investigation is required to pinpoint the precise cause of morning sickness, we now know enough to conclude that quickly increasing hormone levels, or HCG, are most likely to blame. The increase of HCG, sometimes known as the "pregnancy hormone," is one of the first visible indications that you're expecting a baby.

You can't really prevent your symptoms from happening since hormones are mostly to responsible for you feeling a touch "green," which is unfortunate. But there is always a way out of a situation! The majority of women's morning sickness symptoms subside during the first trimester.

As strange as it may seem, the desire to vomit up your most recent meal is one of the numerous indications of a healthy pregnancy. Your body is creating the hormone your baby needs to develop normally. Even some scientists believe that morning sickness is an evolutionary adaptation meant to safeguard the unborn child.

Morning sickness is believed to have evolved in women because it aids in the body's removal of meals that may still contain toxic substances that might harm the embryo at its most delicate developing stage. So, despite how terrible it is, morning sickness has certain benefits.


When Does Morning Sickness in Pregnancy Typically Peak?

Around weeks nine or ten, morning sickness for many women often reaches its climax. The greatest HCG levels occur throughout these weeks. So if you're already in week ten and wondering when you'll stop puking, the answer is definitely "very soon!"

By weeks 14 through 20, the majority of pregnant women have completely overcome their morning sickness symptoms. Unfortunately, some women continue to endure moderate to severe morning sickness for a very long time. However, such circumstances are a bit unique and can need seeing a doctor. 


What Signs and Symptoms Indicate a Morning Virus?

Early pregnancy morning sickness is mostly characterized by nausea, which may range in severity from moderate to severe. Morning sickness is the earliest sign of pregnancy for some women. However, if you regularly monitor your cycle, you'll undoubtedly know you've missed your period before you experience the first nauseating symptoms.

The symptoms of morning sickness are described differently by many women. While some claim it resembles minor motion sickness, others claim it is the most debilitating nausea they have ever felt. Severe nausea and vomiting might be a sign of anything dangerous, such hyperemesis gravidarum, and could need to be treated right away.


What Foods and Drinks Can I Have To Curb My Nausea?

There are several foods and beverages you may want to avoid if you have chronic nausea before the second trimester. You may also adopt some healthy dietary decisions, such as eating bland meals, to help reduce your symptoms. Let's start with the negative first.


Unhealthy Foods

Avoiding the foods that cause nausea in pregnant women is likely to lessen symptoms:

  • Spicy dishes (for the time being, say goodbye to your favorite Indian eatery)
  • Onion
  • Garlic
  • Caffeine
  • Your nausea-inducing factors may not be included in this list. If they aren't, simply keep note of the items that make you queasy, and try to avoid them until your morning sickness symptoms go away.

What To Eat

The same foods that cause morning sickness should be avoided, but there are also certain beneficial foods and vitamins you may wish to take as a preventative measure. They consist of:

  • Saltine crackers (their bland flavor and salt content may be used to balance electrolyte imbalances)
  • ginger latte
  • Spiced rum
  • Drinking lemon water throughout the day can help you stay hydrated.
  • Broths and soups
  • caffeine-free tea
  • Toast
  • In general, simple meals that don't feel heavy in your stomach are your best chance to prevent frequent vomiting and nausea. Foods with a lot of taste have a higher chance of making you feel ill. Throughout pregnancy, don't forget to take a prenatal vitamin. You may be able to prevent experiencing severe morning sickness by eating a healthy diet and getting enough vitamin B6 supplements.

How Can I Prevent Constant Vomiting From Ruining My Teeth?

The occasional minor morning sickness generally won't have a significant influence on your teeth. However, if you often vomit while pregnant, your teeth are exposed to corrosive chemicals that might destroy the enamel. Try the following to safeguard your teeth and prevent the development of cavities brought on by vomiting:

  • When you vomit, rinse your mouth with water.
  • Change to a plain toothpaste from a strongly flavored one.
  • Reduce your consumption of sugary meals and beverages since they might exacerbate morning sickness symptoms and weaken your teeth.
  • If brushing first thing in the morning makes you queasy or causes you to vomit, you may wish to clean your teeth at a later time of the day. To test if you can prevent being nauseous from the toothpaste's taste, try placing a lesser amount of toothpaste on your brush. Additionally, you need to choose a fluoride-containing toothpaste if you regularly throw up. This will further shield your teeth from the harm that gastric acid may do.

How Concerned Should I Be About Severe Morning Sickness?

While mild nausea and vomiting are common throughout the first trimester, it's not typical to rapidly lose weight or have chronic vomiting that prevents you from eating. You should speak with your OBGYN to determine if therapy is necessary if your morning sickness symptoms are severe or persist throughout your pregnancy.

Both your life and the life of your unborn child may be at danger if you develop hyperemesis gravidarum, a severe type of morning sickness characterized by acute nausea and vomiting. You can be prescribed doxylamine to treat your nausea in order to prevent losing the pregnancy. Follow your doctor's instructions precisely to reduce the possibility of pregnancy issues brought on by hyperemesis.


What Time Should I Call My Doctor About Morning Sickness?

Between moderate morning sickness and severe morning sickness, there is a distinction. To know when to call their doctor, every pregnant woman must be able to identify the symptoms of hyperemesis gravidarum. Hyperemesis gravidarum, which affects three out of every 100 pregnant women, may be an extremely frightening and hazardous disorder that is defined by the following:

  • vomiting coupled with discomfort and/or a fever
  • severe nausea and vomiting that persist into the 12th week of pregnancy
  • vomiting-induced severe dehydration
  • Significant weight loss brought on by the inability to swallow food
  • Blood in the vomit (which may be red or black in hue)
  • Fainting

If any of the aforementioned symptoms appear, speak with your doctor straight away.


What is the treatment for severe morning sickness?

There are several techniques to cure severe morning sickness. To establish which approach(es) will work best for you, your healthcare professional will evaluate your unique situation. Some of the available therapies are as follows:

  • Taking supplements of vitamin B6
  • Doxylamine
  • Acupressure (there is conflicting evidence on how well this therapy for morning sickness works)
  • Using meditation and other stress-reduction methods
  • Metoclopramide
  • intravenous fluids to treat electrolyte imbalance and dehydration
  • acid-lowering drugs
  • ginger latte
  • In order to avoid congenital defects, scopolamine, an anti-nausea patch worn behind the ear, should never be used to treat severe morning sickness. Sadly, this is not the only anti-nausea drug that might have negative consequences on both Mom and Baby.

Because of this, the majority of medical professionals first advise vitamin B6 supplementation. 


Morning sickness: Is it preventable?

Even while you may not be able to entirely stop morning sickness when pregnant, there are some things you can do to try!

Ten suggestions are provided here to prevent morning sickness.

  1. Eat healthy meals that aren't too flavorful and control your portion sizes. Avoid eating big meals if you want to keep food down.
  2. Take in lots of water to stay hydrated. If drinking plain water is difficult for you, consider flavoring it with some honey.
  3. Dress loosely so that your belly is not restricted. When you're pregnant, belly bands on maternity jeans with stretch provide a wonderful feeling.
  4. Eat nothing hot, and stay away from anything that makes you queasy.
  5. Avoid computers and lights that flicker erratically. Fast-flickering lights have a strange effect on certain women's motion sickness.
  6. Check to see whether the vitamins and supplements you're taking are safe to consume while you're pregnant. Morning sickness symptoms may be lessened by several minerals included in pregnancy vitamins, particularly vitamin B6 supplements.
  7. Remain active. Although you may not feel like it when you're trying to control your weight, regular exercise is crucial for your health at every stage of pregnancy. Simple neighborhood walks are preferable than strenuous exercise if it makes you feel nauseous.
  8. Get the rest that your body needs. Don't resist the impulse to take power naps throughout the day; you'll realize that you're considerably more exhausted when pregnant. Try yoga or meditation before bed if you have trouble getting enough sleep. Never use sleeping drugs unless your OBGYN has recommended them.
  9. If you have acid reflux symptoms while pregnant, let your doctor know. A major cause of severe morning sickness symptoms is acid reflux.
  10. Enjoy drinks that help settle the stomach, including peppermint and ginger tea. For rapid nausea relief, you may also wish to daily add slices of raw ginger to your water.
You may find that some of these suggestions work more well for you than others. Once you've established what relieves your morning sickness the most effectively, feel free to make your own personalized list. Cold foods, such popsicles and Jell-O, may also help to relieve your nausea before it worsens. Keep enough of these snacks around the home so you always have access to them!

Aura's main goal is to make every woman feel her best throughout and after pregnancy. We achieve this aim by educating women about their bodies, hormones, menstrual cycles, and sexual aspirations. For further information on these subjects and what you can do to keep things in balance in these many aspects of your life, feel free to go through our Aura education resources.

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